Women healthcare

Quality healthcare for all is among the most crucial necessities that every individual must receive. As per a research conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Harvard University only 37% of women receive healthcare in India. Even with improved intervention to better the situation of healthcare for women by both public and private agencies, it still lacks priority in the Indian society and is not limited to reproductive health of women and girls. Only 18% girls and women use sanitary napkins during menstruation the absence of availability and knowledge of its use being the primary reason for the same. The state of pregnant women getting both ante natal and post-natal care is dire with as less as 21% women receiving full ANC including three visits to a doctor during the term and taking iron and folic acid tablets for at least 100 days of pregnancy. The situation of non-reproductive healthcare for the female sex is, if not more, then equally worse. The sex ratio of the country is low, especially in states like Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and in Rajasthan alone it is lower than that of the entire country. Even if a girl is born, the neonatal mortality rate for girls is grave. The major reason for this is the lack of care and nutrition provided to a girl child. In a society where girls are considered to be a burden, her need for adequate nutrition and healthcare becomes an added expense for the family. As per National Family Health Survey, boys receive prompt medical attention as compared to girls for the same illness.